developmental educators
Developmental Educators are one of the newest allied health professions in the disability field, but are one of the most diverse. They often work with other professionals to provide a comprehensive level of support for individuals. Developmental educators have the skills and training to work with individuals with a disability or different ability and their support network to help them live as independently as possible and active members of their community. This may be done either in direct therapy sessions with the individual, information gathering and observations of the individual, and skill development and training for the individual’s support network. Sessions may take place in a variety of locations, such as at my office, online (Zoom telehealth), your education settings, your home, or in local community settings.
occupational therapists
Occupational Therapists focus on promoting health and wellbeing through enabling our clients to participate in everyday aspects of their lives. Our OT’s use various techniques to enable you to develop, keep or maintain independence through therapeutic use of self, with support, skills or equipment. Key areas of support can include:
Personal Care such as showering, dressing, grooming, eating;
Independent Living Skills such as cooking, household management, cleaning, money;
Fine and gross motor skills;
Social skills and participation.
THErapy assistants
Our therapy assistants work alongside our qualified therapists to implement therapeutic supports for individuals. Therapy assistants enable our Developmental Educators and Occupational Therapists to offer collaborative support to our clients in a cost and time effective manner.
Collaborative planning is conducted prior to client sessions with therapy assistants to ensure all supports follow the treating therapist’s guidelines and the client’s goals.